Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Late Night Trivia: Name that CHART ?

New 52 week high today! 

with a 1.43% Dividend Yield


p.s. would you get SHORT or LONG here? 

need more? 

... here is the 5 day 

reported 2nd quarter 2008 earnings ofUSD .93 per share on 7/29/08.This beat the consensus of USD 0.49 by USD 0.44 


Anonymous said...

Too easy.

I wouldn't touch this personally. If I had to chose I'd go short. But what do I know. Commodity driven stock and appears to be priced in line now. I wouldn't care too much about ONE analyst who put a low estimate to begin with.

BUY ON THE DIP said...


SCL for you home gamers.

Jeb said...


How do you choose which options to pick. Lets say you know the month you want, and the stock you want... how do you decide which strike price to purchase ?

for example... why the 80's on COP ?


Anonymous said...

I nailed MHO , -7% right now. Completely unsure about RNWK tho, get out if you're scurred.

BTW, I covered MHO -7% it popped back up to -1%, I sold it short again and now its in freefall. LULZ

Anonymous said...

Bailed on my RNWK short, real small loss due to commission. I reversed my position, it is 16.87 right now, I expect a pre-close rise so I bought some of it to make my money back and then some pre-close. Or I might even hold them after close and see if they meet or beat expectations.

Anonymous said...

6.87 I mean.

BUY ON THE DIP said...

jd- that MHO was money!!!


PH = ouch

Anonymous said...

I just bought puts on CAB, me thinks a lot of families were forced to cancel their camping trips.

Anonymous said...

I just pissed most of today's gains away on puts of CAB. YAY! hahah RNWK barely missed estimates, but just barely, so not sure how market will react, it wasn't bad, it wasnt great so who knows.

Anonymous said...

hmmm actually I was victm of media spin.. they aren't worthless puts.. they had a nice loss but made estimates. I was hoping for a trainwreck though. heh heh

BUY ON THE DIP said...

like your style jd!


we usually go with OTM calls, but we've been burned so much recently that we went with the 80's on COP cause it was about the price of the stock, less risk.

p.s. today was interesting, we expected more, ...but this is earnings game time, and PH screwed us.

cheers, and happy month end.

Anonymous said...

Who thinks KBR is going DOWN tomorrow?