Sunday, March 29, 2009

DOJI of the GODS ~ Direxion Financial Bear 3X Shares (ETF) (Public, NYSE:FAZ)

the 26 days of $FAZ and the 4 days of DOJI.  

... DOJI form when a security's open and close are virtually equal. The length of the upper and lower shadows can vary, and the resulting candlestick looks like, either, a cross, inverted cross, or plus sign. Doji convey a sense of indecision or tug-of-war between buyers and sellers. Prices move above and below the opening level during the session, but close at or near the opening level.

Investopedia SaysInvestopedia explains Doji
A doji candlestick looks like a cross, inverted cross, or plus sign. Alone, doji are neutral patterns.

The hammer(doji) of the gods
Will drive our ships to new lands,
To fight the horde, singing and crying:
Valhalla, I am coming!

the FAZ 3 day with the APRIL 20 calls. 

$4 to $6 sounds like 50%.  hmmmm. 

~ we still have an aching concern that $C will head back to $3, reverse split to $6, and become a "conspiracy currency." ..... Thus,  we continue to add "calls of confidence" intraday on $GS, and will look to potentially add $UYG calls if the financials show strength.  


the "HAZ MAT" shorts:  *puts* on $BTU, $MON, and $RIG. 

the "COC" (calls of confidence):  *calls* on $GS, $POT, and $HK. 

Check TwitPic for close-ups of above images. *click*

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

South of Heaven ~ Direxion Financial Bull 3X Shares (ETF) (Public, NYSE:FAS)

The FAS zones of LOVE & HATE

Chaos rampant,
An age of distrust.
Impulsive habitat.

The root of all evil is the heart of a black soul.
A force that has lived all eternity.
A never ending search for a truth never told.
The loss of all hope and your dignity.

If ever words were spoken
Painful and untrue
I said I loved but I lied.

p.s.  hmmmm. 

Monday, March 23, 2009

The "HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPOS" Rally ~ Direxion Financial Bull 3X Shares (ETF) (Public, NYSE:FAS)

The FAS zones of LOVE & HATE.

300% HATRED. 

C3.13+0.51 (19.47%)
WFC17.33+3.34 (23.87%)
BAC7.80+1.61 (26.01%)

JPM28.86+5.71 (24.67%)
USB15.99+2.57 (19.15%)
MS24.43+4.19 (20.70%)
GS111.93+14.61 (15.01%)

LOSING OUR MARBLES!?!?! ... Today's RALLY felt like watching my kids play Hungry Hungry Hippos.   "The FRANTIC marble munching game!" .... the game, like this rally, is extremely annoying and you know it ends with someone crying.  Yet we play anyways. go figure. hmmm.  


Nobody's fault-a but mine
Nobody's fault but mine
If I don't read, my soul be lost

$FAZeppelin  19.20 -15.80‎ (-45.14%‎)

p.s.  Citigroup Inc. (C) and the "HUNGRY HIPPO" Rally of 2009 a.k.a.  The "retail suck-out" rally .... i.e., the bottom IS in rally.  Ergo, THE STOCK MARKET NEEDS YOUR MONEY! ... would "the public" really continue to invest with $C under $1?? ... prolly not as much. hmmmm,  so how do "they" keep you in the game? ... First,  notice how they lowered the delisting minimum to $1 .... hmmmm, then notice the 200% rally in $C, yay! ... next is the reverse split.  The "new" $6 CITI (C) will then be used as currency to "swap" paper for CASH! ... brilliant! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Have you seen my $FAZ? ~ Direxion Financial Bear 3X Shares (ETF) (Public, NYSE:FAZ)

this site has been changed

the new site is ...

please make a note of it. 

.... beep. beep. beep.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The FOUR ROOMS of PROFIT ~ Direxion Financial Bear 3X Shares (ETF) (Public, NYSE:FAZ)

Check the big green RECORD volume bias-bar on FAZ.  

... are you a BULL or a BEAR

"so TED, .... what's it gunna be?"

... the 4 Rooms. 

1) MON and the late day eh?
2) the FAZ reversal of a fortune.  
3) MS puts of power up 100%. 
4) I'm a SPY in the house of LOVE.

90% short. 10% long. 

p.s.  .... faith in SABBATH!
*satan laughing spreads his TWITTER wings*

Friday, March 13, 2009

Weekend Update: BUY STOCKS.

"buy stocks with your own money" ... LOL

100% short. 0% long.

 $MS puts. (again) ... DIE STANLEY, DIE. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Curious Case of BOTD. ~ Direxion Financial Bear 3X Shares (ETF) (Public, NYSE:FAZ)

the FAZ 5 day.

$41.60 -14.49 (-25.83%)

MOVE #22  ... "works EVERY time." 

Since the inception of FAZ this has worked. why fight that logic.  hmmm, although fighting the tape today felt like growing older in INVERSE.  Button On The Dip.  

hmmm, move # 22 ... also known as MOVE #catch 22.  "works every time, until it doesn't." .... let's all hope this isn't that one time.

... trade the "aging" range. 

$C up 6% after-hours. 
...going under $40.


"The Err is Human, ... to FAZ divine."

SPY april 70s. 

p.s.  MOVE #22 confirmed .... we've never not made money when shorting $MON above $80.  VIVA El Regalo!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The HOUSE of LOVE ~ *short* SPDR S&P 500 (ETF) (Public, NYSE:SPY)

"I'm a SPY in the house of LOVE"

 We closed out the remaining "oddly bullish" $XOM calls for 50%+ gains, and sold recent winners ... $RIO, $INTC, $CX. 


The CHART of LOVE (above) shows the 10 day $XOM (red line) vs. the SPY (candles).  Note today's rapid decline in XOM while SPY held into the close.  The divergence of potential profits?  ... Go team! 

Chart Gradient Key:
RED area  = bad. 
GREEN area = good.

 The Leftover Longs: $BGU from $14.50ish, $BAC march 4s (up 64%), and the BIG EMPTY BUILDING calls ... $IYR 29s!?! 

 "show me the way ... i tell you we must die" 

The SPY "puts of passion"

The March 72's

SZCOT under $2. 

*short* SPY above $73. 

.... $MON is not an $80 stock. (twitpic puts)

p.s.  These dudes are money.  Atilla & Sol from xTrends(must read). & (must follow on Twitter) ... cheers! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

HOLE in the SKY!!?! ~ Exxon Mobil Corporation (Public, NYSE:XOM)

... yabba dabba doo! 

NEW YTD HIGH for Team BoTd!

*click chart for the many "white lines" of resistance in Exxon the fatty. 

Today's rally reminds me of a great movie quote from Winston Wolfe in Pulp Fiction, ..."let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet."

 The BOTD "oddly bullish" switch late yesterday from *short* ... to long with calls on $XOM and two chunky buys on $BGU.   

~ how do "we" do it?  
BAC4.79+1.04 (27.73%)
BGU17.19+2.59 (17.74%)

CX4.61+0.59 (14.68%)
RIO13.65+1.13 (9.03%)
XOM67.39+2.82 (4.37%)
IYR25.68+3.00 (13.23%)
INTC13.92+1.37 (10.92%)

the BOTD "bedrock" XOMCM calls up 65%+!!! 

TAKE some "profits of pride" in $INTC calls, $XOM calls, $RIO calls, and the $BAC March 4s. *still holding deep-under-water $IYR calls.(up 400% today, LOL) hmmmmm. 

"I've watched the dogs of war enjoying their feast
I've seen the western world go down in the east
The food of love became the greed of our time
But now I'm living on the profits of crime"

Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome to BEDROCK! ~ Exxon Mobil Corporation (Public, NYSE:XOM)

Trading the DINOSAUR! 

in the morning we traded XOM on the *short* side with the MARCH 65 puts (XOMOM) ... from Dino's ear to his mandible!! *all winners!

 Then on the late day "fake-jaw-break"  ...

BuyOnTheDip added XOMCM 

march 65 calls of Wiiillllmmmaaa!  

get long the DINOSAUR.

..... yabbba-dabbba-dooo!

p.s. have a gay ole time.  good night. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Welcome to FRONT STREET ~ Intel Corporation (Public, NASDAQ:INTC)

The BULLish BOUNCE plays!

*add XOM

the FRONT STREET "if" strategy:  BUY the FRONT MONTH calls of confidence.  options expire MARCH 21st (two weeks of potential). ... "if" the markets rally, let's be in the FRONT MONTH (MARCH) ... take advantage of the move "now".  

BOTD owns slightly out-of-the-money(OTM) calls. not by choice, but due to market decline.  except GS, we caught a nice pre-rally entry on Friday in the MARCH 80s (GSCP) ...... "if" we rally, the "slightly" out-of-the-money (OTM) calls offer a nice risk/reward.  

p.s.  *OIL feels like the only thing that can rally this market.  look to add FRONT MONTH $XOM calls "if" we rally. 


Friday, March 6, 2009

the COPPER topper! ~ *short* Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (Public, NYSE:FCX)


*MARCH 30 puts*

... $1.10 

copper has been on a run.  FCX jumped above $34 up 8%+ ... we think it's over. 



$1.10 to 1.44 

... must take some profits.

p.s.  hmmmmm, ... GS $77.18 -4.54 (-5.56%)  *(GSOO)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


*SHORT* $GS pays (again)

GOLDMAN broke $80!!

the ROLL DOWN 75s. (GSOO) 

... took some profits under $80 using "top of book" awareness. 

DOW JONES: new low 6544.10

"get SHORT, stay SHORT"   DOW 5000-6000  
    ... 545 more points to level #1. 

BUY & HOLD is ALIVE! (too bad we over-trade) 
YEAR-to-DATE 2009:
$FAZ up 135%
$BGZ up 106%
$TZA up 133%
$SRS up 83%
... all priced at or near $100. 

            MARKET TOXICITY!! 

 "help garden this place, not destroy it."

*had we been un-hedged during this drop, we may have retired ... yes, we're making good money, but also giving back 30%+ on most trades due to hedges.  $IYR calls, $VIX puts, WTF!!! ... With so much confidence in DOW 5000-6000,  it's annoyingly painful to look back at hedging losses & missed opportunities. $FAZ 47? pfft.  $X at $35 (now $17), $BA at $45 (now $30), $XOM in the 80's, $MSFT is a fatty (we actually lost money shorting billy last month due to expiration),  $RIMM at $55 (sold 10 points too soon), $RIG above $60 (twice), $AMR at $12 (now its at $2), $KUB at $35, $SRS at $48, $BGZ in the low 50s, $TZA low $40s ... we "had" them all.   

Un-Learned RULE #44  .... "right on the idea, wrong on the trade." 

.... i can't help but be frustrated with this one,  being correct and still losing money!?!! or taking profits waaaay tooo early!!?! ...  this can happen with macro economic views, options expiration, entry/exit points on common stock, pairs trades, over-trading, over-hedging, timing is a bitch!,  no one can hit the high bid on every trade.  we, as traders, hold ourselves accountable to an extreme.  Learning from your trades is one thing, but let's all try not to "shouldda, wouldda, couldda" ourselves to death.  this market is frustrating enough.  Look forward and find "your" next great trade.  and remember, ... 

..."what you focus on you find."