MPEL - our favorite under construction Chinese casino, which Cramer has repeatedly pumped, got sent to the
MAD MONEY SELL BLOCK today... the 20% loss is too much for "Jimmy Boy" and he's pulling the plug...
as for the DIPfolio, we are holding strong for the open of the CROWN as per our original thesis. The Crown is said to be compared to the Bellagio in Vegas, the epitome of high-end...the Asian population is crazy for gambling and luxury accommodations... We bought this "speculative", China HOTEL stock in a country and industry which had HUGE gains in 2006 and Jan 2007....thus money is pulling out in every direction, and now with Jim's painful departure we watched as MPEL tumbled to a new low afterhours.
MPEL @ $15.50??? :-(
SUDDEN DEATH: Jim did give the thumbs up to UNP which he owns for his Charitable Trust, which we recently added and have seen some nice action!
p.s. NEW BUY: We thought more about NMX and at $119 we can't not BUY! (that means BUY BUY BUY!)...the 52 week low is 115.07...
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