+2.03 (6.55%)
+2.03 (6.55%)
Petrohawk Energy's second completed Haynesville Shale well is mirroring its first in terms of production, according to a company news released posted Wednesday.
Petrohawk is running three horizontal rigs in the Haynesville Shale and anticipates bringing three more by next month. The company plans to operate 10 by year's end, and that number should be up to 20 in 2009 and subsequent years.
Petrohawk has commitments to acquire more than 300,000 net acres in what it believes is the "highly prospective" areas of the Haynesville and Bossier Shale plays in northwest Louisiana and east Texas. About 50 percent of the acreage is committed to the company for longer than a three-year lease term, the news release states. - EXCERPT from ShreveportTimes.com
Now I just need it to go just a bit more to hit my break even at $45
dah right back to $29
I'm getting my ass handed to me on DGP and UNG, hehehe, it can't last though, the dollar is rallying due to propping up of the other central banks, if you can feel out a bottom, buy it. The fundamentals of the US economy are much worse than the other countries so there's no logical reason for the dollar to rise above the others.
Shorted HK at 30.65 and out at 28.65. Cool, Floyd! Floyd! Floyd!
jd... I got rid of my DGP this morning. Fuck that noise, I'd rather get back in on the way up.
Euro is in the tank, and I see support at 1.45 or so.
In my opinion... US fundamental problems are already priced in to a large extent, so until we get some eye-popping news about deficits or something... we may be stable for a bit.
Euro was the golden child, raising rates like it was going out of style... but now the pricing in of the coming downturn in Eurozone economy has begun. If they lower rates next time... look out below...
So I think USD will still be in the crapper, but Euro will be sliding down a bigger, faster crapper.
Prop up USD as a result, kill oil, kill gold, kill silver.
We'll see on Monday how things go, if Euro and gold hold at current levels or gap down hard. If they break support... gold may go to $800, oil to $105... EUR/USD $1.45.
Well the Euro is a much better currency, it was bad words from the ECB that triggered all this, the central banks collude. How long it will hold up, who knows.
On July 16, 2008 (the closest date of the weekly reports to the July 15th low in the Dollar Index), the Federal Reserve reported holding $2,349 billion of US government paper in custody for central banks. In its report released today, this amount had grown over the past three weeks to $2,401 billion, a 38.4% annual rate of growth. To put this phenomenally high growth rate into perspective, for the twelve months ending this past July 16th, assets in the Federal Reserve's custody account grew by 17.3%, which is less than one-half the growth rate experienced over the past three weeks.
So central banks were accumulating dollars over the past three weeks at a rate far above what one would expect as a result of the US trade deficit. The logical conclusion is that they were intervening in currency markets…
HK- did it hurt today? I am wriggling in Pain...
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