"I'm a SPY in the house of LOVE"
We closed out the remaining "oddly bullish" $XOM calls for 50%+ gains, and sold recent winners ... $RIO, $INTC, $CX.
The CHART of LOVE (above) shows the 10 day $XOM (red line) vs. the SPY (candles). Note today's rapid decline in XOM while SPY held into the close. The divergence of potential profits? ... Go team!
Chart Gradient Key:
RED area = bad.
GREEN area = good.
The Leftover Longs: $BGU from $14.50ish, $BAC march 4s (up 64%), and the BIG EMPTY BUILDING calls ... $IYR 29s!?!
"show me the way ... i tell you we must die"

The SPY "puts of passion"
The March 72's
SZCOT under $2.
*short* SPY above $73.
.... $MON is not an $80 stock. (twitpic puts)
p.s. These dudes are money. Atilla & Sol from xTrends(must read). & (must follow on Twitter) ... cheers!
short VZ in the AM.
thanks for the mon puts..
puts of power
yeah thanks BOTD. I made a quick 60% off Mon Puts you recommended yesterday.
I just got short on the market. GE $9 March Puts, FAZ @ 51 and SRS @ 68
SPY puts.
What SPY puts are you in?
in faz $50. BIG.
adding more $47.
wow FAZ again
man. I've kept Dollar Cost Averaging
i have SRS @ $68
Faz @ 51
GE puts
SPY puts
Wake me up when the market self destructs
left a shit load of money on the long side. sold early/wrong.
good luck.
~ from the pain cave.
save a sit for me in the cave
FAZ and SDS with a small leftover JPM
just added more FAZ @ $43
i'm just going to wait, if we break faz low 38
then ill go all in
atleast my IYR calls are coming back
smells like poop in the pain cave, Batman
I got my teeth kicked in...
I feel like the women in the car with the SPY Puts
i feel you on that vid
seizure what % of your protfolio are you short
tapefighters unite!
so funny...u slay me..
uh!! u got me..im dead. im slain. i've lain down...cuzi'm slain..
lets call it the "POOP LAIR"
p.s. anyone seen my teef cause my gums hurt
SDS 25% FAZ 50% JPM 25% cash 0%... JPM save my testicles from the blender at least
Got ape raped on tuesday's gap up...
Rally of no substance, go home!
SP breaks 774 (200day ema) and 762 (200day sma) we may be in trouble short BOTD but a pullback is inevitable... chart below
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