the 26 days of $FAZ and the 4 days of DOJI.
... DOJI form when a security's open and close are virtually equal. The length of the upper and lower shadows can vary, and the resulting candlestick looks like, either, a cross, inverted cross, or plus sign. Doji convey a sense of indecision or tug-of-war between buyers and sellers. Prices move above and below the opening level during the session, but close at or near the opening level.

The hammer(doji) of the gods
Will drive our ships to new lands,
To fight the horde, singing and crying:
Valhalla, I am coming!
Will drive our ships to new lands,
To fight the horde, singing and crying:
Valhalla, I am coming!

the FAZ 3 day with the APRIL 20 calls.
$4 to $6 sounds like 50%. hmmmm.
~ we still have an aching concern that $C will head back to $3, reverse split to $6, and become a "conspiracy currency." ..... Thus, we continue to add "calls of confidence" intraday on $GS, and will look to potentially add $UYG calls if the financials show strength.
the "HAZ MAT" shorts: *puts* on $BTU, $MON, and $RIG.
the "COC" (calls of confidence): *calls* on $GS, $POT, and $HK.
Check TwitPic for close-ups of above images. *click*
Man, I got scared and sold my faz friday... that 30% gap last week scared me.
Back in @ 22.92
61.8% retracement would put faz @ $55... time for the sticker again?
TTM looking ripe again @ 4.55 .... i think shes good for a quick 10% within a day or two.
My call to buy FAZ when it had its massive fall was fucking dynamite. :-)
Actually I would have started buying it at 24.50 ,,, so I wouldn't be making too much at this point anyway. Only if I bought it at the bottom too.
I saw my technical confirmation that the trend would continue at 10:15 et. haven't looked back.
Now i'm conflicted, i have a camping trip i will be leaving for tomorrow.... to hold w/ a stop or not to hold... maybe i should just get a better mobile device to watch it with although thats somewhat sacrilegious on a camping trip to me.
the $FAZ calls.
Last Trade: 7.20
Trade Time: 4:00pm ET
Change: +3.10 (+75.61%)
Prev Close: 4.10
Open: 5.70
Bid: 7.00
Ask: 7.20
Day's Range: 5.50 - 7.40
LOL, camping should be peaceful. leave this shit behind. haha.
good luck either way.
go team!
I am waiting to see what comes from G20, i'd be scared to trade during it, globalist psychos could do or say anything.
and thursday could see a pop if they reinstate the uptick rule or alter mark to market.
April 2nd could be April Fools Day Deuce
FAZ is a money trap. It just keeps depreciating in value daily. I could not hold any longer.
Feb 20th FAS $4.90 close FAZ $72.50
March 12th FAS $5.05 close FAZ $41.50
March 30th FAS $4.85 close FAZ $24.64
looks like a money pit to me BOTD.
Im out
how about *short* $FAS instead.
turn the money trap into a money pit of profit?
anyone catch our short on $COF today?! chea!
let's take MORE shots at "individual stocks" versus ETFs & ETNs.
day trade the ETFs, swing trade the fatties.
WFC, GE, XOM, MSFT, IBM, etc ... small moves in BIG names equal nice profits.
go team!
Might hit 805 on the s&p before she really turns around.
or 807... jesus.
TTM hit that 10%..... of course i didn't play that, made stupid faz play holding 7.5% from yesterday... turned nasty red today.
I still wouldn't short FAZ right now.
Short it after a big run up maybe.
G20 is important, i dont know wtf that will do. dollars death may trigger equities rally, gold rally etc. if they ae strongly talking new reserve currency, USD is in serious trouble and the US economy in general.
What are the components of FAZ anyway? If its made up of banks/financials that are exposed heavily to the US, then they may still tank after the G20... it /might/ be a sad day for America on Friday.
hey botd are you a prop trader
hey botd are you a prop trader
I like the play the individual stock theory.
FCX downgraded today. Bought in $38
CELG lowered guidance only gonna turn 20% instead of 30% down 10% to $40 afterhours. Own small piece and will buy more when it settles. Oil may boom soon and I have DO. If $50 holds we could carry to $55 easy. Better play that XOM in my mind. Bought MS and JPM yesterday waiting on April 2nd which is April Fools day Duece in case you did not know. Bad math = Better Banks. And CLF had been el fuego on buyout rumors... hmmm!!!
Kidd Jones out yo!
Since April-dated options assumed front-month status on March 23, COF's near-term put open interest has swelled by 11.2%, while comparable call open interest has inched just 4.2% higher.
short @ 12.79 ... will add puts if/when we get a breakdown
Where is Chris the ASS from the FAZ hole?
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