Thursday, December 4, 2008

Late Night RECO: Settle for NOTHING!

"If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face"

If we don't take action now
We settle for nothing later
Settle for nothing now
And we'll settle for nothing later

BOTD + field level = Chargers WIN in San Diego!  (FAZ 55) 

The "RANDOM BEAR" watch list:  
(JOSB)  ~ Jos A. Bank.  the word "bank" in a retail/apparel stock. hmmm ... up 33%+ in days, POTP?
(HRB) ~ One of a readers called for an earnings short, we agree. 
(GVA) ~ the name "granite construction" and a 52 week high!? ... Obama Stimulus $$?  
(MS) ~  from under $10 to $15+ ... ooohh, if we didn't already own SKF and FAZ
(NFLX) ~  a DVD in your mailbox?  ... what is the internet? 

 WFC was under $25 again, for about 2 days.  
GOD, WFC, and $25. today's high $29.16 
 Wells Fargo is capped at $35ish, wait to buy more FAZ or SKF.  
                      *  patience. hibernation. profit.  *


Unknown said...

Job losses reported at 533,000 - if the market goes up the world is officially insane.

Anonymous said...

job data has come or not ? .wht's yr opinion abt FAZ ?

Anonymous said...

anonymous, buy FAZ and hold it, if it goes down buy more :D

Anonymous said...

hi jbreedlove , i already have FAZ at higher price

Anonymous said...


Get those sweet titties ready lol... there better be some gooders before option expiration in 2 weeks cause we're headin' south.


Anonymous said...


Go into the weekend short even though the big 3 may get bailed out?


Anonymous said...

poor floyd he tanking

Anonymous said...

man, the only appropriate song for right now is "money for nothing" by the dire straights lol.

P.S. what happened to jd?

P.P.S go team!

Lubes said...

JD is waiting for the end of the world. I like his commodities/ gold logic it was just way too early. I want to ride this wave as much as possible and pick up some agros and oils at hella cheap prices when the trend says we will go up again/ next bear rally

Unknown said...

Stockhustler, are you still holding the spls puts?
Still like it? thanks!

Unknown said...

Still holding SPLS puts 15's-not selling either.

Still holding FRO as well. I am expecting a BIG drop in the stock price this month.

Puts on POT Im happy with too.

Anonymous said...


Where's the support.... c'mon faz!

go team!

Lubes said...

Hustler you have been silent about the MON puts what happen to those

BUY ON THE DIP said...

bought $RIO DEC 10 calls. (hung over hedge)

.....ok, back to sleep.

note to self:

Chargers + Raiders + 20 beers = not so good.

Unknown said...


They expire in Jan so Im not too worried about those. Plenty of time.

Because Im a good guy I will give you a gift-conider it a holiday gift.

USG Dec 5 puts. Buy em now while they are cheap.

Youre welcome


Anonymous said...

now i am getting angry.. die spx die..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


you think there is going to be a sale off at the end of the day?

BUY ON THE DIP said...

not buying more FAZ until WFC hits $30+

BUY ON THE DIP said...

FYI ~ we now own DEC calls on AAPL, GS, RIO.

Unknown said...

Well, it's official the world is insane. This market is setting itself up for a crash.