The BOTD Christmas gift to our faithful readers =
More Transparency!!! (gosh, we sound like a bank) .... Over the past month we've received numerous e-mails asking
"Where did all the chick pics go?" ... and our man Kevin's chant ...
"titties, titties, titties!" For 2 years has been
THE place for
sexy BOTTOMS and
tantalizing TOPS. When we were asked to go on , Quint (Qman) asked us to take down "the chicks" temporarily for the show, we happily obliged. With all the butts and boobs off the site, we felt like a Dad. And after all, that's what we are. That's who we are. A loving husband and caring father of two beautiful girls. So here is our post of explanation and maturation.

Cameron Paige
3 years old, going on 13.
recent quote: "i want a polar bear for x-mas" *
*what happened to ... "a pony" ?

Marley Michelle
... yes, we named her after BOB MARLEY.
"red lightning!"
One Year, One Love.
... Daddy (Chris aka BOTD) playing guitar with Cameron about a year ago, hmmmm.
31 years old, we're BALD now, ... don't laugh.
Happy Holidays.
*Go Team!*
Go team! Keep the family strong. Don't let your kids just pass you by, before you know it, you'll be at their graduation ceremony.
You know we jam to the Mr. 4-20, around the campfire down in the islands. Keep feelin' it in the 1-drop bro.
do the hot girls come back next week?
GIO, ... yes to the shotguns!
and anonymous, ... nope. that chapter is over.
I must say...BOOOOOOO to no more naked ladies. Now that I got that out, I want to say you have a beautiful family, ur girls look like little angels! Rock on man! Oh, speaking of rockin on, what kind of guitar do you like to play?
Keep on rockin in the free world!
thanks KEVIN,
we knew you'd understand, haha!
Electric = fender strat
Acoustic = Simon&Patrick 6 string , Suzuki 12-sting from 1960s.
p.s. boobs are still good!
thanks Jamie!
How cute and nice. I also have two daughters, one 5 and the other 9 months. Having said that, please bring back the titties. The demographics of your site demand this!!!!!!!
cute kids BOTD
i think every father should get a shotgun for every girl he has :)
mike, LOL. one gun per daughter, i like that.
RE: "The demographics of your site demand this!!!!!!!"
very true, LOL, we might throw a "challenge flag" against ourselves. how can we lure readers in with boobs and butts? and then just take them away. the chick pics have actually been somewhat of a good luck charm. hmmmmm....
p.s. thanks Jana. ;-)
You must have a gorgeous wife BOTD!
Your kids are adorable.
Still long FAZ from 36.7 & ERY from 33.6
Also, thanks for running this blog. I know it is a lot of hard work.
thanks brotha! ... we saw you get that FAZ at a discount , nice work.
"time we enjoy wasting, is not wasted time"
cheers to big moves in 2009!
if i can find a way where you can chat live online would that intrest you?
we had on for a few weeks, no one really used it. .... twitter is in the side bar now.
go team.
Hey BOTD beautiful kids! I have a six year-old son myself.
Okay, $GS still call of confidence? Earnings coming out on Tuesday. Do you expect a pleasant surprise? Some think $GS will front load losses to make year end bonuses that are awarded in stock more lucrative next year. I have DEC $90 calls bought at about $1.95
So much for the serect service or bodyguards he could have died :O
George the ninja.
wow bush really can move fast
Best post ever.
thank you Troy.
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