BOTDany thoughts on the market? i saw the chart of twiter with the SDS triple bottomnot sure if that means SDS going to go up or if the market is going to go up
fuckin' GS calls, still going....5.55 +2.60 (+88.14%) wow, we sold way toooo early.
rate cut action...typically we sell off, then bounce hard. we'll see.
Thanks for the infoim going to add a little bit to FAZ position and see how it goes
Bought BAAI @ $1
nice, the BA team!BALZ0.95 +0.28 (+41.79%)grow some...
dude, when are the girls coming back??? why did they come down anyways?? redikulous!
what would you buy at the dip
the BA team!!1.70 +1.03 (+153.73%)
Yo BOTD, no love on my Jan CCJ 17.50's I wrote about in your fantasy spot??
17.86+1.50 (9.17%)Dec 16 - CloseCCJ ... great timing! great pick.teamwork baby!
BALZ! Last Trade: 2.25Trade Time: 3:44PM ETChange: 1.58 (235.82%)
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any thoughts on the market? i saw the chart of twiter with the SDS triple bottom
not sure if that means SDS going to go up or if the market is going to go up
fuckin' GS calls, still going....
5.55 +2.60 (+88.14%)
wow, we sold way toooo early.
rate cut action...
typically we sell off, then bounce hard. we'll see.
Thanks for the info
im going to add a little bit to FAZ position and see how it goes
Bought BAAI @ $1
nice, the BA team!
0.95 +0.28 (+41.79%)
grow some...
dude, when are the girls coming back??? why did they come down anyways?? redikulous!
what would you buy at the dip
the BA team!!
1.70 +1.03 (+153.73%)
Yo BOTD, no love on my Jan CCJ 17.50's I wrote about in your fantasy spot??
+1.50 (9.17%)
Dec 16 - Close
CCJ ... great timing! great pick.
teamwork baby!
Last Trade: 2.25
Trade Time: 3:44PM ET
Change: 1.58 (235.82%)
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