Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Morning BreakOut: Valhi, Inc. (Public, NYSE:VHI)

17.98 +0.58 (3.33%)
... buy the mini-pullback!!! 

SELL TARGET = $21.50+
p.s.  as if we didn't have enough problems with AGU.  
 go team! 


BUY ON THE DIP said...

COF down 4%+ ... nice :-)

BUY ON THE DIP said...

DRYS and EXM hit new 52 lows today.
did you pick some up?

Anonymous said...



Go team

Anonymous said...

no new shorts of COF. heh

I bought in the money calls on AUY today at 0.95

Sold my AGU calls today too for gains, still holding the stock.

I expect the bill to pass and stocks to rally, gold to rise o nthe news too. however, it will only drag things on, ultimately, we will still have a hellish economy even depression.

Anonymous said...

I will be shorting or buying puts for BBBY before market close today, they have a habbit of "beating estimates" though, even though their sales are falling. So there's some risk.

Anonymous said...


I need some help...

Ok, so with SIL, I was in school today and was unable to catch the 4.16 high.

It seems that it held above its resistance level of 3.00$. Tomorrow I am banking that there will be another run, and the upper resistance level of 4.00$ will be challenged.

You have been trading stocks WAY longer and more often than I have and I would just like some friendly advice.



Anonymous said...


what kind of a sell limit are we looking for for drys?

Anonymous said...

Looks like BBBY made earnings, Profits still shrinking. Pretty neutral results.

Might just keep my short open.

BUY ON THE DIP said...


with a SPEC play like SIL, we say take profits. who knows whats really going on? we like the long SILVER idea, but SIL is a bit too spec.

and on DRYS, lets hold, hoping it stays above todays 52Wk Low: 43.65
...if it hits $41ish we'll probably get out.

Anonymous said...

whats up with JRJC????

JRJC +2.3%

must be this great site:

go team!

Anonymous said...

Good news on AGU, rating upgrade.

up after hours already.

Wish I didn't sell my calls today, still got 100 shares tho. :-)

BUY ON THE DIP said...

COF afterhours:

After Hours: 49.67 -2.82 (-5.37%)
Sep 24, 7:57PM EDT

Anonymous said...

Yeah COF is diluting their shares. heheh

localandbitter said...

Baltic Dry Index looks to have been hammered 6% overnight... gonna get out of DRYS?

Got squeezed out of COF on Thursday/Friday -- Wish I hadn't covered on my short... then again who knows what rules will be each day?