Last time we had "too much cash" , we bought VISA on the dip around $78ish .... hmmm ... VISA jumped back to $84+ ... did we take profits? NO!
today VISA (V) @ $77
WE SUCK part 33.
... still LONG V ... BUY ON THE DIP! 70? 60? .. P/E under 100?
I picked the wrong ones. I got in on SEED and V... UGH
I forgot to buy ZUMZ before the market closed today. BIG MISTAKE!!!
Check out DLTR! With a solid uptrend, earnings next week and a weak economy you know people are bargain hunting.
Yeah, I did the same thing, got out of SEED today and am going long on V (should have taken profits when they were there).
I picked up DKS today, it seems like a 16% decline is bound to bounce back slightly. I've learned my lesson and will take the 5% profit when it comes.
nice call on ZUMZ,
you called it a few days back. too bad you didn't get in.
whats next?
its hard to buy retails with confidence in this environment.
Anon 6:54. I bought V calls today and DKS calls (when DKS was down 21%).
I think DKS should go up a bit tomorrow (ceo was on fast money). If so, then I'm selling for a nice profit.
As far as V, I'm not so sure. I may sell off tomorrow and wait and see what happens. (I bought June calls for both).
Yea...should of taken profit in V but didn't..so i will sit on it til after the Olympic
SEED is killing me....but SSN made up for it.. 8)
p.s VISA (V) is at $86.16 today.
high of $87.56 ... hmmm ....
we win.
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