DRYS $95.39
+8.36 (+9.61%)
With the early drop on Tuesday morning, you couldn't have bought much higher than $87, was down 5%+ ... did you BOTD?
p.s. yes, we know iPhones don't ship via DRYS. We just like the extra traffic, haha
p.s.s. what a day!!!?! ... SNCR added 2%! ...VIP back above $36! ...the BOTD oil plays (HK, XTO, PDE, NE) look to be pumping again ... and shit, why didn't we buy more VISA(V)? up 4%+ today. sorry bout that "don't buy VISA" post, we just wanted more lower.
Blog Marketing Tip # 52:
want more traffic? write about AAPL!
... Apple is the most searched/popular stock in the world. Humorously adding AAPL into our DRYS reco post boosted traffic by 2600+ visits! ... go team!
we are a bit mad about selling (AG) .....that shit (SEED) soured us into selling both.
shouldda kept AGCO (AG) ... fudge.
our only long agriculture play is SQM.
SQM looks great here!
Ever since that ratio split its been on fire!
Good to have you back RC!
Shorting AMZN short-term for .5-1.00 profit; looks like a hammer candle here.
BTW How about the amazing Apple (AAPL) iPhone huh? LOL. Just trying to help.
SQM doesnt have options )(*&^%$!
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