Wednesday, August 22, 2007

SAKS dips again ....


-0.65 (-3.86%)

.... as usual we were a bit early...better price today! BOTD

p.s. MON, SBS, RIO, HK, BMI and others are having a nice day.


Your Adarsh said...

Looks like we are going a little bit more to the downside.... Probably we'll get it under 16!!!
Brokers I talked to were saying buying Nordstorm, disposing Saks in short term.

Your Adarsh,

Anonymous said...

Bull of the Day for Aug 23, 2007 SKS
Saks, Inc. (SKS) – Buying Opportunity
We continue to believe that Saks will be able to deliver solid sales growth and profit margin improvements over the next several quarters.

Anonymous said...

Did I just make money based on somebody else's opinion? This is crazy. Thank you guys for saks and nordstorm. When should I sell them?Into nordstorm at 46.98 and sks at 16.58

Your Adarsh said...

Not ur fault's Sears and Chiko's, giving us better opppurtunity to buy Macys !! ;)