Thursday, April 19, 2007

China rate concerns, and other fun news.....

MPEL looks to give back some gains, on news that CHINA's rates may change...

and OIL looks to be headed down....(HK) too....we are actually happy about this, as it opens the opportunity to take our second shot/ re-buy of PETROHAWK...lets watch and wait...


Anonymous said...

what makes you say oil is headed down? im not arguing with you...just a newbie

Anonymous said...

WE checked out HAL, USO, RIG, BRNC, and a few other oil related stocks before the bell....also you can check on news from overseas about oil...good luck..

and did you see MPEL fight!!! and win!!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh I missed that dip on MPEL, bad, bad.

To see what is movin the market read the relevant section