20% LONGS:
HK 16.83+2.28(+15.67%)
PM 39.64+0.54(+1.38%)
EEV * sold half
FXP * sold half
MON puts
MS puts *just some leftovers
POT puts *sold out, we just want MON*
1) SKF sold out yesterday for 46%+ profit
2) REW sold today north of $135 (bought at $95) *
*immaculate timing!
3) MS puts (100%+ profits, holding 1/4 position of leftovers)
p.s. Looks like we missed the boat? DRYS 10.92+1.70 (+18.44%) doh!
fuck miss UYM
LOW 13.18
Should I get in FXP now?
FXP is down 27%
just keep loading on FXP, your telling me things will get better now? Doubtful.
Keep buying FXP on the dip now that it's near the 60's, sell when it nears 90
we are NOT the greatest.
FXP and EEV ... something isn't right.
p.s. 6 over PAR on the 12th... sunset in san diego!
BOTD you think its rally time?
have to trade around the core position in both, nothing has changed. Holidays will suck, not much will sell, emerging markets will get smoked. Nice job again with your timing on the longs,
As for the pricing on these , I agree something is up. Doesn't make much sense. I have been in and out of both of these for the past year, and it is extremely odd the way they have been trading relative to the indices. Could it be the short interest is so much higher on the underlying equities, causing much larger squeezes when we rally then in the past?
what do you mean by this? I am very interested to hear your thoughts as I am planning to take big positions in FXP soon
BUY ON THE DIP said...
FXP and EEV ... something isn't right.
by saying something isn't right, what i think they're saying is if you look at the last time the markets were at these levels, eev and fxp were close to 175(fxp even at 200). The price correlation is not making sense. There are many very very successful hedgie runners i know that are completely boggled by this as well..
what do your hedgie runners say about this?
nokia die = eev
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