the BOTD chipotle(CMG) short play pays!
Get under $100....
we added our CMG puts on the pop ... how could CMG go higher? a restuarant stock, P/E above 60, a 125+ stock price, was a "hot" stock, ..... we just knew the $4 burrito couldn't last at those levels.
p.s. sorry for the lack of posts, we just cant get LONG stocks right now, and the SHORT game is risky (ben and george could attack again at any moment) .... cash is cash, cash is KING!
sure, we missed the last run up in the financials, the homebuilders, lame retail stores, but our CASH keeps us warm at night. 10% SHORT , 10% LONG, 80% CASH....still waiting.
p.s.s. we took some profits in our CMG short today, DONT GIVE BACK GAINS in 2008!
RJA hits new 52 week HIGH TODAY!
nice to see one of our few longs hitting new highs.
go team!
SHORT BUS kills all.
$103 for CMG
Burritos on us, who's hungry?
Post some more BOTD. Your insights have pretty good.
CMG down 22 dollars after earnnings BAM
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