BOTD adds FITB & HBAN with RULE #24
Fifth 3rd.
+0.1895 (+2.23%)
.... on the BREAK AWAY!
BOTD also added the Regional Rival ... HBAN $3.92+0.25 (+6.81%)
The Two-fer RULE #24 ... split your buy between two stocks in the same industry/sector ... minimize single stock fuckery, and maximize opportunity cost. Recent Examples: MGM & MPEL (casinos), UAUA & LCC (airlines), ESLR & LDK (solar) ... sure BOTD didn't play these trades correctly, but you get the point. buy 2 stocks, instead of 1. Get in the game, diversify your odds and catch that move!
Notable High-Growth Potential: SIVB & SBNY
p.s. New Life-Time Lows in Inverse Land:
*long* SRS $15.99-0.50 (-3.03%) & SMN $14.63-0.18 (-1.22%)
the LONGS of the DAY:
LULU $17.49 +0.39 (2.28%)
CPST 1.03 +0.10 (10.75%)
also holding HK & JPM.
flat day.
.. thought with bernankes depression comment more would be scared of equities.
SBNY 31.39 +2.28%
SIVB 35.99 +3.45%
Trending Higher (MACD Bullish)
Huntington Bancshares Inc has issued a bullish signal based on the Convergence-Divergence of two moving averages. HBAN moved to "MACD green" and is in an uptrend that is supported by strong volume and positive price action.
i think we need a leg down before the next up.
Today, July 29, 2009
10:06 AM ET Kinross Gold Started At Underweight By Barclays >KGC
Today, July 29, 2009
11:58 PM ET Fifth Third Raised To Conviction Buy From Buy By Goldman Sachs >FITB
gold still kicks ass.
i still think insiders are selling for a good reason.... we got another leg down, good luck timing it though.
BOTD i've got a play. Oct 17 USO calls, looks at the put/cal ratio. ..and with god reason, dollar falling, demand for oil increasing globally.
There's probably also some other energy/oil plays tied to this, i think i will be doing some options trading with a small amount of $ for fun. :-)
WHADYAH think about the oil???
i'm not doing much this wknd, lol, listening to financial podcasts. i'm going to buy calls on DXD too, just not sure when.
double thinking dxd, calls are risky, i think the bear market rally may continue for a couple months.. if i do the dxd calls it will be to catch a quick correction in the recent run up
thinking summer is a time to keep the market going up some with idiots putting their money in, they'll all be broken when christmas sales are worst ever in history for retailers and people realize how bad things really are and that the "recession" is not over.
CNBC pundits are pushing HARD to get the market up, all of them, they are always full of shit.
fkit, 90% sure i'm doing same calls, DXD at 52wk lows, put/call ratio adds up and i know this economy has NOT recovered, it's all BS.
holy shit ---
after these recent announcements i may just hold back a little while, these criminals are really pumping up this market fast. they are working hard.
Ford sees 1st monthly sales rise in 2 years: WSJ
LOL , all this will give bulls a boner.
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