0.63 +0.26 (+70.27)
Bring Your Own ... Bailout Week?
Baby Wipes? Bingo Wasps?
EARLY today we added the BAC 7.50 calls
WEEK of LOSERS: MS, MS, MS ... MSFT, RIMM, REW, etc... hosed on the CISCO dip, took profits on our "calls of confidence" daaays toooo early, ... the list goes on. the week doesn't. it's over. move on. game on.

... cheers to Seizure & BIG MIKE, who caught the comment and jumped in at 5.50ish
Weekend Homework: Re-reread POST #1 from 2009.
p.s. The BOTD 5000-6000 target still stands.
Have a STIMULATING Weekend.
even tho your twitter page is fugly, i still heart you man.
game on.
heck...just have 10 babies, drive to mexico, walk/crawl back across the border...claim TARP, welfare, and food stamps
LOL, thanks FFEJ.
we'll always have room at the dinner table for you my friend.
.... buenos dias!
Hell i thought we were still holding WFC under $25... haha
yep, ... GOD, WFC and $25.
just like DIG and DUG under 25, but different.
i went short WFC yesterday for 15 mins, didn't work. was a bad week. the only redeeming factor was selling FAZ and SRS yesterday to raise cash.
we are very anxious to buy FAZ back...
let's change the LOGO with our buy at $30??
Yay!! i made it to the BOTD front page :D
hmm FAZ under 30.. very tempting :)
sweet. I got a shout out also.
I'm banking on stimulus rally week next week. Any Bank/Finance stocks in the $5 and under range are worth looking at. But mostly BAC and C.
And yes when FAZ gets near $30 I am going in also.
Nothing like prolonging the rally...
"Secretary Geithner will postpone the release of the administration's Financial Stability and Recovery Plan until Tuesday to allow for that to happen," the Treasury added."
Waiting on $30 FAZ... we need a new sticker
speaking of "that"
that is "The Senate votes on Monday, and economic officials administration wide will be working and consulting with senators throughout the day,"
15 companies going out of business.. oh well i use netflix anyway :D
i own GNW, tight stop.
leaning on XOM, i own puts.
Sold half of BAC, C and FAS
tightening my stops on the rest I rather lock in my profits.
someone still holds MS?
see ya later FAS and C. all gone. stops hit
still rolling with BAC. also went in on GNW on BOTD's reco. tight stops as usual.
stop hit out of GNW. that sucks. oh well.
GNW reported, hmmmm.
check PFG afterhours. down big.
Who' still holding BAC til tomorrow...
anyone buy FAZ at the close today? I am sitting wishing I would have... may be I will buy the open. Half now @$40 and half around $35-30 if we rally.
BA After Hours: 41.10 -1.70 (-3.97%)
i like this.
i own BAC calls, and GNW as our "if we rally" plays.
dip master?? Pfft... not recently.
Change the logo for FAZ to buy at $30!!! Are you serious? Please, BOTD come back, come back to us.
i own VIP 6.52 +0.41 (6.71%)
and SMN. nibble, nibble.
SRS time @ $55.60!
FAZ $40... dice out hands high
market just dropped a big steaming pile.
+4.99 (9.37%)
FAZ 46.54 +7.10 (18.00%)
anyone still with MS put? BOTD? it seems it has super resistance to drop
+6.68 (12.54%)
+8.49 (21.52%)
put those stops in boys. We are near a strong resistance, it might shoot back up. lock in those gains!
i like it when bernanke talk :) he makes me happy.. well sometimes lol
Sold SDS @$80 and waiting on FAZ $50
well got stopped out of FAZ ($48.75) for a nice 22% gain on the day and 7% gains on SDS made the day spectacular. GL seizure and BOTD
thanks Kid Jones. Still trying to ride FAZ to 49.50ish.
Also rode SKF a little bit, in and out for a few dollars a share
SRS I still have going, I might hold this one through the close as it fairs pretty well in a bull rally
I am going to keep a close watch on the close, My trailing stops are very tight on FAZ
any chance you implement disqus on this site??
Close enough.
Out of FAZ
+9.84 (24.95%)
no need to be greedy.
still got SRS...
I am going to get in on FAS at the buzzer as close to $8.00 as possible.
oh well. didn't get FAS. I wanted to hold something long for a potential morning pop after a 380 point drop day but I still have plenty of time to get back in tomorrow if there is a rally back.
Nice work today fellas!!!
Hope you also caught the XOMNO. Ezxon puts.
Go team!
MS hurt, we sold feb puts on recent highs. holding some leftover butter.
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